Mina Stojkovic

Mina Stojkovic

Senior Technical Writer
Find me on: linkedin account
Mina is a researcher and writer specializing in software development. Passionate about exploring the impact of technology on society, with a talent for breaking down complex technical concepts into simple, user-friendly language.
Articles from Mina Stojkovic
The Role of Subject Matter Experts (sme) in Software Development Projects
The Role of Subject Matter Experts (SME) in Software Development Projects
Discover the vital role of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in software development projects. Like pedals on a bike, they keep the project running smoothly, ensuring user needs are met and reducing development costs. Learn the best practices for working with SMEs and how to find the right one for your project. Gain a competitive edge by investing in an in-house SME for your software development company.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Peru's flag
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in Peru. Hire the best custom software development companies from Peru.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Custom Made Illustrations for Blog Posts 2 01
Outsourcing Development Locally: 7 Benefits of Onshore Software Development
Discover the hidden advantages of onshore software development in this insightful article. Learn how partnering with local teams can enhance communication, improve quality, and protect intellectual property. Make an informed decision for your outsourcing needs and ensure the success of your next software development project. Don't miss out on the benefits of keeping your team close to home!
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Brazil's flag
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in Brazil. Hire the best custom software development companies from Brazil.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
India's flag
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in India. Hire the best custom software development companies from India.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Sri Lanka's flag
Sri Lanka
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in Sri Lanka. Hire the best custom software development companies from Sri Lanka.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Vietnam's flag
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in Vietnam. Hire the best custom software development companies from Vietnam.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in the world. Hire the best custom software development companies from the world.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Colombia's flag
Ranking of the best sites to hire software development services in Colombia. Hire the best custom software development companies from Colombia.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Custom Software Development
Custom Software Development
Ranking of the best sites to hire custom-software-development software services. Hire the best custom-software-development software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Ranking of the best sites to hire devops software services. Hire the best devops software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Blockchain Development
Ranking of the best sites to hire blockchain-development software services. Hire the best blockchain-development software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Ranking of the best sites to hire machine-learning software services. Hire the best machine-learning software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Product Design
Product Design
Ranking of the best sites to hire product-design software services. Hire the best product-design software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
UI Ux Design
UI/UX Design
Ranking of the best sites to hire ui-ux-design software services. Hire the best ui-ux-design software development companies.
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer
Home Experiment
Mina Stojkovic
Senior Technical Writer